Selected references

Soot water processing – CHEZACARB® Re-design of existing plant, Mechanical Completion, Commissioning and Start-up UNIPETROL, CZE - Litvínov refinery
The production of intermediates for 4th generation F-gases ("ZEBRA Project") Design, Construction and erection, Construction management Spolchemie - Ústí/Labem, CZ
The Bitumen Production Feasibility Study Iraq, UAE
Optimization of cyclohexanone production EPC Kazakhstan
Re-distillation of Turpentine Oil FEED CZ Branch for Libya
Aromatics Units Revamp (Skid-mounted units included) EPC, Start-up supervision ARADET, Republic of Iraq
Upgrading of Salahuddin refineries (Skid-mounted units included) FEED, Partly Construction NRC Baiji, Ministry of Oil, Iraq
Field Condensate Plant – Distillation Complex 15.000 BPSD Engineering services CDT Germany Gmbh, North Iraq

Personal staff references

Heavy Gas Oil Processing Process Study/Design Kirkuk, Iraq
Field Condensate Refinery Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design Harir Oil, Iraq
Residue Fuel Oil Processing Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design Harir Oil, Iraq
Pilot plant – Batch rectification of Pyrolysis Oil Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design VUT, Brno CZE
Soot water processing and solid handling – CHEZACARB® Re-design of existing plant, Mechanical Completion, Commissioning and Start-up UNIPETROL, CZE - Litvínov refinery
The production of intermediates for 4th generation F-gases with low GWP (also known as „ZEBRA Project“) Design, Construction and erection, Construction management Spolchemie, Ústí/Labem, CZ
The Bitumen Production Feasibility Study Iraq, UAE
Optimization of cyclohexanone production EPC Kazakhstan
Re-distillation of Turpentine Oil FEED CZ Branch for Libya
Aromatics Units Revamp (Skid-mounted units included) EPC, Start-up supervision ARADET, Republic of Iraq
Atmospheric Distillation Unit 30.000 BPSD EPC Zallaf Refinery, Libya
Optimization of Naphtha Sweetening Unit BDEP ORLEN Unipetrol RPA, Czech Republic
Extending of Asphalt Loading Unit for Road-tanks BDEP ORLEN Unipetrol RPA, Czech Republic
Optimization of 2-EHA Plant BDEP Synthomer, Czech Republic
Intensification of Nitric Acid Production (Study) PROCESS STUDY Synthomer, Czech Republic
Completion of the Isomerization Unit EPC North Refineries Company, Republic of Iraq
Site Survey of existing C5/C6 PENEX DIH Isomerization Unit in Basrah refinery SITE INSPECTION South Refineries Company, Republic of Iraq
Upgrading of Salahuddin 1&2 Refineries SITE INSPECTION, FEED North Refineries Company, Republic of Iraq